5 Bedtime Habits that Can Destroy Your Relationship

Many of us jokingly say that we will leave our significant other if he or she doesn’t stop snoring. Unless you’re sleeping with earplugs on the sofa every night just to get some sleep, you’re probably not serious, however. There are things that both men and women may do in the bedroom which can affect our relationships far worse than snoring too loudly. Here are five bedtime habits that can destroy your relationship.

1. Wearing the Same Pajamas…Over and Over Again

Towards the end of our relationship, an ex-boyfriend of mine would wear the same pair of Corona pajamas that I, ironically, gave him every night to sleep (and pretty much any time he was at home lounging around at home). The problem? He only washed this pair of pajamas once a week. My attraction for him instantly fell off the map and was one of the factors that contributed to our breakup. No one wants to get intimate with someone who doesn’t even change and wash their clothing on a regular basis. If you don’t change your pajamas regularly, it’s time to start. Don’t do it just to keep your partner happy. Do it for your own personal hygiene.

2. Not Brushing Your Teeth Before Bed

Most of us know to expect morning breath when we wake up with our significant other. It’s unlikely for guys, especially, to wake up What’s worse than morning breath is nighttime breath and morning breath. Morning breath is gross enough as it is. Why make it any worse by not brushing your teeth before bed, too?

3. Drooling and Nose Bleeds

Drooling may not seem like a huge issue…until you’re sharing a bed with someone who does. No one wants to wake up with a puddle of drool right next to their head. What’s even worse than drool is nose bleeds, though. Waking up to a blood stain on your pillow or noticing a blood stain on your significant other’s shirt is not very appealing.

4. Sleeping All Day Instead of All Night

We can’t always expect to go to sleep at the same time as our significant other. One of you might work night shifts at some point in time. If you both have a schedule which is relatively the same in terms of work hours, though, it’s ideal to try to sleep around the same time of night. If your sleeping schedules are completely out of sync, this can have a devastating effect on your relationship.

5. Sleeping With Gum…or Sticking it Everywhere

A friend of mine once woke up with gum in her hair. Apparently, her boyfriend fell asleep with it in his mouth and her hair is where it ended up. I’ve also known people who stick their gum on the headboard so that they can put it back in their mouth the next day. Is it really that hard to spit your gum out in a tissue and throw it in the garbage before going to bed?

Remember that open communication is the best policy in any relationship. Certain bedtime habits can be broken or have easy fixes. Unfortunately, there are instances in which any of the habits mentioned above can destroy your relationship if they are not resolved.

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