Vines that Can Be Grown Indoors

Vines make for interesting house plants. They can do well in hanging baskets, allowing them to trail down the container. I have some vines trailing along a curtain rod in the dining room, making for a nice colorful display when we’re having dinners. Finding great locations for your indoor plant can create conversations when there are guests. Acccording to Floridata, all these examples can be grown without issue inside a home.

Bleeding Heart (Clerodendrum thomsoniae)

The bleeding heart plant is a perennial vine from the verbena family of plants. It is evergreen with large leaves and flowers that are red and white. Stems can reach 15 feet in length and do not have tendrils, root hairs, or suckers. Flowers are bell-like and bloom through summer. It needs moist soil and more sunlight in the mornings than afternoons. Propagation can take place through root cuttings or semi-ripe tip cuttings, with root cuttings being the better bet.

Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila)

This drought tolerant evergreen vine is from the mulberry family of plants. It has heart-shaped leaves on its fine stems that are dark green. It also produces pale green figs. This house plant is very adaptable and not too picky about its soil or lighting conditions. It can be propagated by cuttings or by layering. It grows quickly and can become slightly aggressive if you don’t keep a watch on it.

Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum sambac)

This fragrant evergreen vine is a member of the olive family of plants. There are dark green leaves that are shiny and flowers that are quite fragrant. Some leaves are opposite and some are in whorls. Flowers are in clusters, white, and waxy feeling. They may fade to pink. Fruits are black berries, but it may not fruit indoors. Some cultivars are pink. It prefers to grow in good lighting and a moist soil. Propagate by semi-ripe cuttings and mist them for a few weeks after first transplanting.

Blue Passionflower (Passiflora caerulea)

This fragrant perennial vine is drought tolerant and is a member of the passion flower family of plants. The twining vines can grow up to 30 feet in length. Leaves are shiny and green with summer flowers and orange fruits. Flowers are white and blue-purple in color. Some cultivars have different shades of flowers. It prefers a roomy container so it has plenty of root space. It also adores high humidity. Put blue passionflower in a sunny window for indoor growth and make sure it has good drainage. Propagate by seed, tip cuttings, or nodal cuttings.

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Source: Floridata

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