Tips for Comedic Actors – How to Perfect Your Humor or Your “Funny”

Now that you’ve spent time to uncover what truly makes you funny, why your character is funny and the individual quirks that make up your character, it is time to perfect your comedy. Perfecting your funny is a long and tedious process; one that you will most likely never complete as there are unlimited levels of funny that are awaiting to be discovered.

This is evident when you watch the first performances of your favorite comedians. While they have a raw and natural ability to project funny, their comedic style is continually evolving and being perfected. It is possible to have raw perfection; however, much like a diamond, it must be shaved and polished and cut to reveal true beauty.

In order to perfect your comedy, you must begin to study the subtle nuances within a script that truly defines a character. Doing so takes character development into a deeper level, which ultimately creates an extremely realistic and enjoyable character. You will notice some of the most successful comedic actors have a true grasp on their comedy and this grasp bleeds into their character choices.

When you’re reviewing a comedy script, after you’ve performed your general script breakdown, being looking for operative words, which are words that are used regularly by your character. Also, look for jokes known as ‘callback jokes,’ which are phrases or stories used over-and-over again. A great example of a callback joke is when Sophia from the Golden Girls begins a story by saying, “Picture it, Sicily 1924…” Operative words may even be terms of endearment that are continually used, such as Dorothy in the Golden Girls calling her mom, “Mah!”

Other ways to perfect your comedy within a script is to determine if there are any hard consonants or if the screenwriter desires your character is mispronounce certain words. By uncovering the tiny details within a character, you will ultimately perfect your comedy styling and manufacturer a performance that is not only enjoyable to watch, but also hilarious. Remember, true comedy delves much deeper than simply being funny. You must uncover WHY you are funny, and WHAT makes you funny.

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