The Greatest Councilor of All

Lord, it’s amazing to see how You reveal Yourself to us in so many ways each and every day.

We may not realize it at the time but later we remember and if we’re

Smart we’ll say,

” Father, it had to be You. No one else even knew about the situation in my life.”

There was no one I could turn to. No one would understand and all I could feel was stress and strife.

The valley was too long. The mountain too high and there was no answer in sight.

As I began to lift my head and look up I could see a ray of light.

I began to feel a renewal in my spirit and a new feeling of hope.

You were bringing the answer to my problem just when I thought I was at the end of my rope.

So often we get frustrated and depressed trying to make things happen the way we think they should.

What we really need to do is turn it over to You.

Your timing is perfect and your answer will only for our most benefit and good.

We could save ourselves a lot of anguish and worry if we learn to totally trust and believe.

You already have the answer to every problem.

It’s our responsibility only to ask and receive.

Just ask for guidance and direction:

” Father, which path should I take and what do I do.

Then wait and listen for His answer.

You can be assured if you walk in His path He’ll take you safely through.

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