Pedialyte Helps Dogs with Parvo

Parvo is a serious disease that should not be ignored. If you believe your dog has Parvo take them to a Veterinarian immediately. However if you already have medicine from your doctor and your dog has been sent home you can help re-hydrate them with Pedialyte.

Parvo attacks your dogs immune system, which causes them to become: tired, slow, and unable to move. Your dog will not be able to eat and if they try they will throw it up. Due to your dog vomiting so much and not taking in food or water they become dehydrated. When anyone becomes dehydrated they lose precious nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fluids that help keep the body happy and functioning. Re-hydration is important for you dog to get better faster and healthier.

Pedialyte has been recommended by many vets to help you keep your dog hydrated or to re-hydrate them. Some people believe that humans and dogs can’t mix medicines. It is very common for dogs to get a prescription that is equivalent to a human medicine and dosage (especially pain killers). Pedialyte was designed to re-hydrate little kids with diarrhea, so it can also be used to re-hydrate dogs. All Pedialyte does is help your body get more electrolytes (which are vitamins and minerals) and essential fluids. If your dog is up to drinking you can pour it in their bowl (every 4-6 hours) or it they can’t drink yet you can force feed them (fill a syringe and push small amounts into the back of your dogs mouth, use about one syringe every hour). The increase of fluids and electrolytes into your dogs body will help stabilize their immune system giving them more energy, and capability to eat and drink water.

If you can’t afford Pedialyte there is a recipe that you can try:

1 Liter Water (clean, preferably boiled) 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp, table salt 1/4-1/2 tsp. Morton’s Light Salt

Sources: Personal Experience
Ark Animal Hospital
Burley Animal Hospital

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