Ode to Love

I am in love.
I cannot conceive my life without love, I thrive on it, my existence depends on its existence. My entire being would be reduced to burning ashes, scattered across a world of hate and ignorance, waiting to be picked up by the wind without it. But I am burning with love; deep, true love that encases my body and my soul in a safe casket of youth and pouring colours. I am lost in its immensity and I do not wish to seek the exit, ever.

Love is not like songs or movies with a happy end, not even near. They portray as little as a tenth of what it is actually worth. No happily ever after can compete with this, no stars from The Walk of Fame could dress up to the expectations. My words are too weak for its strength, too small compared to its size — my running tears dry before falling, then a sunshine smile comes next to wipe away all sorrow. I was empty and found myself in a pool of loneliness, fighting to survive the next minute; I nourished on disease and distress and grew weaker, awaiting to attend my funeral by my own. But a light came upon me and blessed me and picked me up from the dirt and gave the name of Love to bear for the rest of my days — and gave me Him. Now I am complete for I know I have my better half to my right, holding my hand, controlling my trembles and easing my pain. The sun shines harder and the snow freezes deeper to break my protection, but they will never fulfill their will for I am under his breeze in the summer and in his soothing embrace in the winter.

My love is smiles through the dark and hot embraces in the cold. It is stopping my words in my throat and letting my mind dream far away, in a land of sentimental opulence and love lyrics. It grabbed my hand and lifted me up to the stars and the moon and dropped me on a cushion of pearls and plush into serenity. My love is the tenderness of a kiss, a warm breath on my skin and a touch that gives me the shivers. It’s the clear sky over my head and the blessing from the gods, the thought of splendid yesterday and the wait for the even better tomorrow. My body is embalmed in scent of roses and my eyes lust for their counterparts’ gaze. Only with love I am a finished work, I am whole.

I am in love.

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