My Favorite Winter Beauty Secrets

It’s winter and my skin gets dry and itchy during the winter months. Here are some tricks I’ve learned over the years to help prevent dry winter skin.

Olive Oil

Exfoliate with a mixture of 1/4 cup olive oil and 1/4 cup sea salt. The warm water keeps skin from over drying and the olive oil helps to hydrate skin.


Sea salt is renowned for it’s healing properties. Mix with olive oil and use to exfoliate weekly. Skin will take on a healthy glow with this beauty regimen.

Baby Oil

After your warm shower smooth on some baby oil before patting your skin dry with a fluffy towel. The baby oil will help to seal in moisture.

Baking Soda

Soothe tired, itchy skin with a soak of baking soda. Mix with a gentle essential oil and use to wash your face. Great for acne prevention when mixed into a paste and used to cleanse.


Just because it’s cloudy outside doesn’t mean you aren’t getting those sun rays. Use sunscreen daily and prevent those wrinkles. Yes, you can still get sunburned on a cloudy day.


Hydrate from within. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks that can cause skin to dry out and wrinkle.


Use leave in hair conditioner to keep away those frizzy fly away hairs. Between hats and dry air, hair can really take a beating, give it an extra boost with some soothing conditioner. Conditioner also works well on dry hair, smooth a small amount over dry hair then comb as usual. Alternatively you can use a spray bottle for this, add a few tablespoons of conditioner to bottle and fill the bottle with water, spritz on hair as needed.


Dry cracked feet will plague you no more if you try this remedy. Grab your favorite hydrating lotion (or use some olive oil) and your favorite pair of fuzzy socks. Massage feet with lotion and slip those fuzzy socks on over night. In the morning feet will be silky smooth.


Avoid dry air as much as possible. Consider investing in a humidifier if need be to help keep skin from drying out.


Many think that winter is a good time to over indulge in heavy foods. Not true. Don’t change your diet, keep eating healthy and your beauty will reign supreme.

Following these tips will help keep skin soft and supple even during the coldest winter months.

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