Living Life Gluten Free Easier Now Then it Used to Be

For a number of years I had suspected I was either allergic to gluten or yeast. I remember distinctly one time when I was younger my mum had made a delicious Chili that we all devoured, shortly after my stomach was hugely bloated and cramping in pain. I couldn’t sit in the chair so I lay on the living room floor. I tried my back, my front, my side but no matter what the pain would not subside. It was hours before my body relieved me of the pain.

Whenever such painful bouts like this would occur I would abstain gluten from my diet leaving me with almost just rice in our house. The bread and pasta deprivation was too much but I had to endure it in order to feel better. Within about ten days my stomach would start to feel normal, not bloated and I’d resume a “normal” diet.

In recent years my symptoms have become much worse. A few months ago a buildup of gluten in my system led to internal bleeding. Further research revealed if I was to continue to ignore the allergy it could also make me lactose intolerant. Hold on a second here, I already had to give up bread; I refuse to give up cheese too!

I realized I could no longer ignore my diet and eat whatever I want, whenever I want and clean up the mess later. The problem now was what do I eat?

The progression of food labeling had made gluten free living a lot easier. It has become more renowned and almost ‘popular’ to be gluten free. As with any special diet or allergy, companies like to make money from your affliction. A jar of gluten free pasta sauce at whole foods will set you back over $7!! I felt punished because of my celiac disease, fortunately I know how to make a mean pasta sauce from scratch but not everybody does.

As well as the nutritional information on products, supermarkets have become more proficient in labeling. Safeway has color coded labels including vegan, gluten free, low sodium and more. As the world strives to be more health conscious it has become easier to live gluten free without emptying my wallet. Now instead of a $7 jar from whole foods, I can choose from a variety of well labeled Prego sauces that are gluten free.

My favorite discovery was a large selection of Red Mill’s products at a local supermarket. I can now bake gluten free cornbread, cinnamon bread, biscuits, pancakes, brownies and more. I’m about ready to open a bakery in my apartment building.

My boyfriend has been a tremendous support in our change of diet, he himself joining me at being gluten free whether or not it has any health benefits to him. Together we have made gluten free pizza from scratch as well as gluten free gnocchi, and gluten free bread.

Living gluten free is a lot easier now. By reading labels, shopping smart and using less prepackaged meals and goods I’m able to live a healthier lifestyle that will help keep my tummy a happy one!

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