Knowing Love

How will you know what love is?

When you can see love as

not finding that perfect person, but finding all of that person’s imperfections and loving every single one of them.

the desire to be a better person

not what you see but what you feel when are you are with them,

not being with someone because you think you can be happy with that them but knowing without that person you know you can never be.

Loving them not because of anything they have, but because of something that you feel when you’re near them.

That love isn’t without problems and it has many obstacles but more importantly it is working through all of them and coming out happy with that someone on the otherside.

a willingness to heal

not how you listen but how you understand, even though you might not like what you hear

loving them even with their worst faults and flaws.

staying to work on what is right rather than leaving because of what is wrong

not how you forget, but how you forgive, and what you learn from it

Even though they hurt you so badly all you can think about it is the times when they made you smile.

Enduring the storm, being kind, always trusting, always hoping and never failing.

not how you let go but how you hold on.

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