Kitten Care Tips

Congratulations on adding a new furry addition to your household. This darling bundle of fur is sure to bring a lot of love and laughter to your house. Now it is your responsibility to care for her properly. Are you up for the challenge? Do you know how to take care of a kitten? Here are some tips to help you.

Prepare Your Home

You should do this before you bring home your kitten. Think about this. You prepare for the arrival of a new born baby, right? Why shouldn’t you prepare for the arrival of a new born kitten? What do you need?

Food and water bowls Food Litter box Litter Cat Carrier Collar Tags Toys

You should also prepare your home for the arrival of your new furry baby. To do this, simply put away all household chemicals and cleaners that the kitten may get into that may harm her. You should also pick up anything around the house that the kitty may swallow.

Decide Whether Kitty Will Be An Inside Or Outside Cat

This is an important step in becoming a parent to a cat. This may be the most important decision you make regarding your kitten. Of course, to make this decision, you must consider where you live. Do you live on a busy street? Is there a lot of passing cars? Do you live in an area where there are a lot of dangerous animals or wooded areas in which a kitten could get lost? Do you live in an area in which the kitten could easily become hurt or killed? Be honest when you are answering these questions.

You should also consider whether anyone in the house has allergies. If the answer is yes, you may even have to reconsider the idea of owning a kitten.

If you do decide to keep your cat indoors, do know that most veterinarians will tell you that indoor cats do live longer lives than outdoor ones. However, you should also note that you should make the indoors interesting for your new cat. Add perches to your windows. Purchase toys that are stimulating to your cat and make time for your cat each day.

Should You Feed Your Kitten, Kitten Food

Your veterinarian will probably tell you tell you to feed your cat kitten food until she is at least one year old. It provides higher calories than regular food and kittens needs these calories for continued growth. If you wish to add canned foods to her diet, speak to your vet about your best options.


Yes, cats must drink water throughout the day. To help urge her to drink water, keep several bowls of it out for her and wash these bowls daily.

Keeping Litter Boxes Clean

Yes, these boxes can be a bit of a nuisance. But they are a must for an indoor cat owner. Dump out the dirty litter once or twice daily. Give the litter box a thorough cleaning at least once a week.

Most cats prefer fine litter. You can also use baking soda to help keep the boxes from smelling.

As for their location, pick one that is quiet and out of the way. Cats, like people, enjoy their privacy when they need to use their potty.

If you provide the care your kitten needs, soon you will have a furry friend who will love you unconditionally. Yes, she may have her quirks. She may be a bit stubborn and a bit set in her ways. But she can be just as loyal as a dog. Plus, she can purr and give some of the sweetest kisses, when she is happy. Those are the moments, you, a new cat owner, will soon come to treasure.


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