Is Christmas a Good Time to Give a Pet?

Is Christmas a Good Time to Give a Pet? The Pros and Cons of Pet Gift Giving Publish Date: 11/28/2011 Before you decide to give a furry friend as a holiday gift, there are several things to consider. It is not wise to give a pet on an impulse. There are pluses and negatives to pet giving as a gift. This article examines these pluses and negatives.

Pluses; Let’s look at the good of giving a pet. A pet forces individuals to accept responsibility. A pet can be a great companion for a family. They are excellent for a child to grow with. A pet is not only an individual but a family commitment. A pet can serve as a gift for many and not just one inside the family.

Negatives; A family or individual not prepared for a pet is a bad idea. A pet needs shelter, food, water and exercise. Energetic pets need constant play time and attention. Just like people, pets have different personalities. These personalities can be shaped for good or bad.

Considerations; If you give a child a pet, the age five should be the earliest of the gift. Older would be better. The child needs to realize the responsibility and committed to pet care. If you give the child a pet, give them a book on the proper animal care. Make sure that the pet has been examined by a vet. Shots and papers are very important.

A lot of individuals like to give young pets like puppies and kittens. However, mature pets need homes too. There are many adopt a pet centers throughout the country. These animals are longing for a home and attention. Many have a history of where they come from. Some do not.

It is always a good idea to have a conversation with the individual or family first. You can then decide if this type of gift is for suited for them. Always try to place an energetic family or individual with an energetic pet. If the individual is old or laid back, place that same type of pet with them.

Check to see if the individual or family rents or leases their home. Many property owners do not allow pets. Some municipalities have strict pet laws.

You also should check the other pets in the intended family. Sometimes, pets do not get along. A new pet moving into the territory of another pet can cause problems.

Finally; Any time of the year is a good time to give a pet. Pets need families and families need a pet. As long as the proper consideration is looked into, a pet could make a great holiday gift.

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