Is Another Civil War Evident in the United States?

I don’t know any of you are tired of the mess in America, but it seems, that many
just can’t seem to make even the simplest of decisions anymore. Maybe with all the
technology, have come butterflies within the brains of many to even have the
capacity for thought. But then, if that were the only problem, there wouldn’t be
all the protests going on.
The reality is, that far too many people expect not just a proper price for goods
or services, but it has come to a realization that in today’s world, it has gotten
to be like the gold rush of 1849. In my mind are so many products and services that
it would take me forever to list them down or mention them in a mere article.
Everyone, everywhere wants to be rich anymore, and when the abused turn to the
government who is supposed to protect the average Joe, where the hell are they?
Off in some corner bitching, complaining and fighting amongst each other over what
to do regarding anything in this country.
We are in the position that we are in financially, not because those we depend on
to do their jobs are doing them anymore. It is because it just isn’t enough to
earn a living in this country for many politicians, but they want a piece of
everyone’s PIE. Tax this, tax that, how much is he or she making so we can cut
into “that” profit, and then it appears that far too many politicians are also
in the pockets of the banking industry, finance industry and so many corporations
that the whole scenario has gotten totally mind puking. What the hell has happened
to America, where a person could reach for a dream and KEEP IT??
It is THIS, that has many upset. It is THIS, that has come to a reality that we
don’t need the scum off the street to point a gun at us to rob us, when it is
THOSE we have trusted in for decades that do it with the stroke of a pen. Taking
houses, cars, furnishings, retirement funds, 401k’s and JOBS. THEN, you have a
justice system that does nothing to curb the appetites of those who are already
rich that keep taking, and taking and taking.
Before the 1990’s, or let me put it this way, the “fall” of RUSSIA, America, was
AMERICA. All of a sudden after the Russian economy fell, many of the rich in this
country waged a war upon tumbling down this average Joe enjoying their lives to
greedily take what they work for unto themselves. I know this, because I was one
of it’s first victims.
The biggest problems do not come from these greedy bastards, they come from law
enforcement in this country also changing it’s priorities along with them. Before
the 1990’s, you got a fair shake and if you broke the law, you paid the price for
it. ANYMORE, you don’t have to break the law, THEY set you UP by their little
gimmicks to “break” the law and throw you in a jail cell. Out of THIS greediness,
has come a consequence. The consequence of overcrowded jail cells and prisons. AND
the average Joe, does not forget WHO set them “up.”
All these “illegalities” being perpetrated upon the taxpayers, wage earners and
honest peoples of the United States, whether the ignorant rich wish to face up to
it or not, has CONSEQUENCES. And you are beginning to see it throughout America,
and it is going to get WORSE. You can not set up people who have worked hard all
their lives and expect to gain what they worked hard to get when they retire or
when it is THEIR time for a bright future, only to see it being STOLEN from them.
The Civil War of the 19th century started because some saw others trying to STEAL
their livelihood away from them and though the premise was a humane one, many did
not like the fact of being robbed in the process. You think about it. We ALL have
a right to live OUR lives in accordance to what we earn for ourselves. In today’s
world many of the hard working class are beginning to see that, “no” you are
building up what you HAVE, so one day the rich can use a “legal” way to STEAL it
from you, and that my friends is grounds for a civil “war.” THAT is what all this
discord is leading up to and like I learned in the Marine Corps, the rich are just
as vulnerable to a bullet as the poor man. It thinks not of how much money is in
your pocket and the ones behind shooting that bullet, do not need the power of
“wealth.” No amount of money can “buy” or “stop” it from it’s intended victim(s).
That was a lesson learned in the first Civil War and from seeing all the protests
throughout America, the overly greediness of many a rich person who have stolen
the dreams away from many Americans, will find out the hard way as they have
throughout history, that true power lays behind the one who will “silence” their
evil intents.
That my friends, is not “my” analogy, that is “history’s” analogy repeated time
and time again when the ignorant forget that you can only step on someone’s toes
by stealing their dreams for so long before the masses turn on you and suck out
the final price through a war against it. That has always been the power of the
poor within our own species, and one that will never end, because some forget that
equality means just that, EQUALITY, and everyone has a right to their own dream,
not just for the select few who think of hoarding it all unto themselves.

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