How Wonderful it Would Be to Have a President Who is After Gods Heart

In the past decade, you will agree with me that presidential as well as senate and congress elections have continually turned uglier by the years. It puzzles me, wondering whether the candidates are seeking the office for the benefits and large compensation that comes with it, or do they truly hold the desires of the constituents they seek to represent.

In the congress library, I came across an article regarding incumbent members of congress, and how they can manipulate their constituencies, to ensure another term in office against their challenging candidates. The article mentioned the amount of funds allocated to each incumbent member of congress and the help accorded to them in times of campaign. With a wrong motive, a member of congress will exploit these avenues to his or her own benefit, while overlooking the needs of the constituents. However, this was not the matter at heart.

My concern regards the faith of the candidates running for office. Many are the times we have heard candidates claiming to put matters of faith as top priority, while campaigning. Referring to the last presidential elections and the midterm elections, I clearly recall the numerous times when candidates would attack their challengers, spilling out malice, jealousy, spreading misleading information, with the sole purpose of bringing down their competition, while uplifting themselves up, and justifying abilities with promises that never get to mature.

I understand that many would argue to separate the Church from the state, forgetting that leaders come from God. We have insisted in this separation, and as a result, due to our insistence, God has allowed us to pick leaders of our choice, only to mismanage the country, and wreak havoc in the economy. On numerous occasions in the Bible, kings such as King Ahab who were corrupt and sinful before God ended up total failures, especially as they tried to rule without God, while other successful kings for instance King David, relied on God all his life in leadership, and is referred to as a man after God’s heart. Why can’t we have a president who is after God’s heart?

But for America to have such a president, the country must first of all recognize who God is. Americans must believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God, who died on the cross for our sins and on the third day rose up from death and brought salvation for mankind. America must turn away from its sinful nature, put away corruption and acknowledge the need for repentance and believe in God. Candidates must put away negative campaign strategies and campaign strictly on issues, referring to the Bible for guidance and revelation.

How wonderful campaign season would be, if faith replaced partisan politics, how developed America would be, if we sought God before making hard decisions that impact millions of life. Would it be that America would not only be the greatest nation on earth, but the most blessed and the most favored?

I desire that in the coming elections in the year 2011, that a candidate who truly seeks the Lord would emerge and show us the way to salvation – corporate salvation, how wonderful it would to watch advertising campaign that praises God and edifies the opponent as well as the nation, or speaks hope and optimism even when all odds are against the nation.

As much as we insist in separation of church and state, it is virtually impossible. All we need is a president or a member of congress who is after God’s heart, and America will be back on its track towards prosperity.

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