How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Many clients ask me how I can turn out work for them so quickly. Well, I like the idea of cash flow and getting paid. But I rarely have writer’s block. That is because I have learned the trick that you just start writing. Anything.

For instance I have a speech due for a client this week. He wants it by Friday. I hope to knock it out by Wednesday, giving me time to put the speech aside, go to Happy Hour, have a few drinks, forget about the speech, panic at the last minute , quickly look over the speech and email it to the client.

And for you nitpickers, of course Happy Hour should be capitalized just like God should be capitalized.

Wait a minute – the above is all nonsense.

Well, I think I will add a poem.

I’m here
You’re there
I have underwear
Whoop de Do
So do you

Now that was a fine literary effort and I should submit it to Poetry magazine. They need a good laugh. Well as Humphrey Bogart says, ” Most of the world is two or three drinks behind..”

Wait a minute, the above is also all nonsense.

But that is my point. Whoops, it is not polite to point. But then why do they award points for good behavior? There is no need for writer’s block. If you want to block go play football. You can also block that punt. Let’s walk around the block together. Escape the cell block. Or go to preschool and play with their blocks, you block head. Hmm is blockhead one word or two?

Okay – this is getting silly. Again, the above was all nonsense.

Actually it wasn’t. Well, it was all nonsense, but that is my point. I am about to write a 20 page speech and I have just done my mental jumping jacks.. Seriously, I just wrote anything that came to mind, getting my brain warmed up.

An analogy. . Your brain is like a car’s engine. You want it warmed up, you want that oil flowing, before you take it out and drive it full speed on the freeway. It is the same with writing. Warm-up exercises, just like the nonsense I wrote above ,are like turning over the car’s engine. Getting the oil flowing, before you step on the gas.

And that is why you should never worry about writer’s block. Read the nonsense above. Can you see my mind at work – okay that is a scary thought.

But can you see how I just started writing. Before you go jogging, you stretch out. And that is what the above nonsense was about.. I was doing my stretching exercises. Who cares if the writing made no sense. Now my mind is warmed up and I am ready to start writing that speech for my client.

Remember – there is no need for writer’s block. Just remember to do your “stretching exercises “.Get your mind warmed up and you will be fine The engine will be warmed up and it will be full speed ahead.

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