How to Get Hits for Articles

Choose to write on popular subjects

First you must choose to write on something that the majority of people would want to hear about! You can check words and phrases on the Google Adwords web site to see what people search for on the Internet!

Key Words are a very important factor

When it boils down to it article writing is all about key words! First you need to choose your title by going into the Google adwords web site. Then throughout the article, include more key words (not the same as your title) but ones that apply to what you are writing. I read that your article should have 3% keyword saturation. However, if there are too many articles with a similar title, your article will get lost. It is somewhat like a game of dice throwing! One can sure tell by article writing the high rate of unemployment due to all those articles out there in cyberspace! Oh and Google will also tell you how much competition your article title has. You can click on the word Google to get to their web site to find your key words!

Choose subject material that stays relevant

If you want consistent page views choose topics that stay relevant year after year. This is where “How To” Articles come into play! Many people on the Internet go on line to find out about how to do something! These articles have value year after year!

Choose material that you are passionate about yourself

We usually do well on subjects that interest us the most! A writer will put the most time and effort into a subject that is of interest to him/her and as a result will turn out a more in depth article that will hold the viewers attention.

Last but not least keep it short

Most people who are looking something up on the Internet get tired of looking at the computer screen for long periods of time! Keep you article, short and to the point and above all don’t rant on and on!

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