How to Encourage Healthy Eating

When I was growing up, people eating “health foods” ate a lot of lettuce and carrots. It wasn’t that they didn’t have other healthy alternatives, they just didn’t know about them. Also, over the years, some replacement products have come along that can help taste good and fit the needs of healthy eating.

Here are a few tips that may come in handy, if you haven’t already discovered them:

Taste: Healthy food doesn’t have to be bland or boring. In fact, with a few changes, you can serve your family their favorites, such as hamburgers and tacos. Whole wheat bread and tortillas are much better than their highly processed cousins. Lean beef can be used for the burger, or you can use turkey burger. Those plus boneless/skinless chicken and fish can be used in the tacos.

Smell: Half of the dining experience comes through the nose. The smell of fresh baked bread or a good pot of chili can draw even the most ardent junk food addict to the table. They don’t have to know it’s healthy.

Presentation: This is important. Whether you are making up individual plates or preparing a dish for the entire family, make it look good. Just dumping the food into a bowl is not always appetizing. Break out some parsley and scallions for garnish. Present the sliced meat or vegetables with a drizzle of dressing or butter down the middle. Make the dish a piece of art and it will be eaten.

Removal of Junk: If you buy it, they will come…and eat it. If you don’t leave chips and sodas lying around, a hungry snacker will look at the healthy offerings in a whole new light. You might even convince them to drink water over sugar filled beverages.

Lead by Example: This is your most important tip. Whether you’re a stay home parent or a working parent, what you eat is what your children will eat. This is true even if they don’t see you eating it. When you pack their healthy school lunch, pack yours along with it, and stocked with the same foods. Well, if you hate bananas, you can opt for an apple, but you see what I mean.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring, lacking in taste and poorly presented. In fact, if you go this route, your family may not even know that they’ve fallen into your well laid healthy trap.

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