How Apple Could Become a Competitor to Xbox and Playstation

It’s been a banner year for Apple, although a tough one, with the passing of its innovative founder Steve Jobs. Apple really is a one-of-a-kind company, but what kind of company is it, really? A computer company? A phone company? A media company? Or a hybrid option that we’ve never seen before?

The future of Apple is difficult for anyone to predict. But one option that, at least to this reporter, appears more and more likely is this: Apple is poised to become the next big game company, a rival that could steal legitimate market share from Xbox or Playstation? Here’s how.

Imagine you’re looking to start a game company, i.e. the next Xbox or Playstation. What do you need to offer a really successful product? A few things:

1. For starters, obviously, you need some console that connects to the television. It must not only allow you to play games on your television, but also to watch movies, television shows, and do a million other things that a technologically-savvy audience is going to demand. (Apple already has this, sort of. The Apple TV, although so far only a pet project for Apple, has the potential to stream TV, movies, and who knows what else on to your television

2. Next, you need an innovative, wireless controller system for your console. An ideal controller would have a video screen, touch-screen capabilities, and would also double as a mobile gaming device. (Apple has all of this, and more, in its iPhone, iPod and iPad devices. With little programming, these devices could easily become controllers to be used by Apple TV)

3. Finally, you need a community of programmers, willing to create a myriad of innovative games for whatever operating system you develop. (If you weren’t aware that Apple already has this in spades, well, then you haven’t been paying attention).

And there you have it. Connect all of these components together, and Apple has the makings of a remarkable gaming company. Will they choose to connect the dots? Only time will tell.

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