Four Tutorials for Repurposing an Old Door

Repurposing old items into new items is a current trend in home decor. Floating around Pinterest and the blogworld are tons of tutorials that focus on repurposing old wooden doors into new items. Here are four of my favorite tutorials for repurposing an old wooden door.

My Repurposed Life: Door Repurposed Into Bookshelf

Gail at My Repuposed Life shares how she took an old wooden door and turned it into a bookshelf. Not only am I in love with the bookshelf itself, but I love the bright, bold red paint.

Gail’s tutorial is wonderful, with very detailed instructions that are accompanied by plenty of pictures for each step of the construction process.

You can see Gail’s bookshelf that she made by repurposing an old door, and how she did it by visiting her blog, My Repurposed Life.

Infarrantly Creative: Door Headboard

Beckie at Infarrantly Creative used an old door that she found in a garbage pile on the curb to make a wonderful headboard that is amazing.

Beckie’s tutorial tells exactly how she turned this door into a headboard by explaining everything she did from stripping the old paint off the door, to mounting it on her bedroom wall. Her tutorial is wonderfully written, and features plenty of pictures so that you can visualize every step of the process.

You can view Beckie’s tutorial on how she turned an old door into a headboard by visiting her blog, Infarrantly Creative.

Kojodesigns: Coffee Table From a Salvaged Door and Balusters

The sister team of Jordan and Kristen who blog at kojodesigns share a great tutorial for how to turn a salvaged door into a coffee table.

Their tutorial is very detailed with step-by-step directions, and plenty of photos showing how they made it. Instead of using a full size door to make their coffee table they used a thinner pantry door.

You can view kojodesigns tutorial for turning a salvaged door into a coffee table by visiting their website.

Shelterness: DIY Coffee Table Made of a Door

Shelterness offers another great tutorial for a coffee table made using an old door on their website.

The tutorial for the door coffee table at Shelterness is not a very detailed tutorial but they still offer basic written directions that explain how to make your own. If you are good at woodworking (or know someone who is) you will easily be able to use their instructions to make your own coffee table.

Visit the Shelterness website to view their DIY Coffee Table Made of a Door.

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