Five Ways to Keep Up with Your Grand-kids

What do I know about keeping up with my grand-kids? I’ll tell you. They have a hard time keeping up with me. I mean that metaphorically, of course. I don’t move as fast as they do. Still, I’m way more open minded. Plus, I’m constantly evolving. Of course, if you’re speaking of physically keeping up, that’s another story. If so, well, here’s five ways to keep up with your grand-kids that won’t leave you gasping for air.

1. Practice on the sly. I didn’t invite my daughter to the gym until I’d already been going for a couple weeks. I didn’t invite my grand-kids to work out with me or hit the bike trails until I got a head start. They still put me to shame in a race, of course. There’s a big difference between 14 and 52. Still, at least I don’t look like a complete fool when we take a leisurely ride or walk.

2. Do a daily walk. You might not be able to run a marathon any time soon. Then again, you just might. Start with walks around your neighborhood and work your way up. You might be surprised at your physical capabilities. Who knows? If your grand-kids are little couch potatoes, you might leave them in the dust. Of course, you could always ask them to join you.

3. Don’t sit on the park bench. Join the first string at the playground. Why be content to sit on the bench knitting mittens when you can play tag, climb, slide and swing? Who cares if you look foolish to all the other adults? Add some years to your life by playing with your grand-kids in the park. Better yet, get the rest of the grown-ups to join you for a memorable play date.

4. Be a joiner. Who cares if you were a bookworm as a kid? Things change. You’re a big kid now. Set a great example for your grand-kids by joining a bowling league, baseball team or whatever strikes your fancy. All that exercise will enable you to keep up with them. Loosen those muscles and you may even beat them in that nightly hoops contest.

5. Take up Yoga. Yoga is all about flexibility and breath control. It might take you some time to get there. Still, there are an abundance of grandparents who even teach Yoga. Are you limited physically? There are special classes for those with arthritis. Once you get the hang of it, try Hot Yoga. It’s Yoga in a heated room. Awesome for weight loss and cleansing, this type of Yoga can help you catch up with those grand-kids by shedding extra pounds.

Gasping to keep up with the grand-kids? Try getting and staying active. It’s good for you and a great example for them.

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