Five Ways to Connect at a Mega Church

Current economic and social conditions have had an interesting affect on Church communities. A migration towards the non-denomination Church by the Christian faith has created more “Mega Churches” (Churches with congregations that number in the thousands) than ever. While it is heartening to see that the quest for spirituality and revival is still strong in America, there is a missing component that must be addressed. Clearly there is a need for connection and sense of family and Church community. So the question of the day is how does one connect in a mega Church? Or how to feel part of a Church community when such a Church has a membership of thousands and in some cases tens of thousands?

Make a point to meet the (Pastor of connection)generally an amiable personality with knowledge of what’s available at your Church. The Connection Pastor is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to get involved. Most mega Churches have a Getting connected “Class. Here you can meet the Pastors and key people of your Church family. It’s where you can find out how to become a member along with the history of the Church.

Check out the Kiosks in your Church lobby. These are each managed by helpful volunteers. They each offer their own unique areas of interest. There should be sign up sheets for the various ministries or events happening at your Church,

Volunteer: The gift of service is a wonderful way to make connections. I volunteered to help with the parking ministry (A very important ministry in a mega Church.) As a parking flag waving guy, I met several guys one of whom invited me to the Men’s fraternity breakfast which most mega Churches have. One Saturday morning a month you can get fed both food for the body and a spiritual message for the soul. I recommend it for any men in a Church community that is looking for some good Christian fellowship along with more than decent French toast.

Join a small group. Small groups are invaluable in a mega Church. They are generally available seven days a week. They take place at Church or in someone’s home. This is where you begin to foster relationships. By attending a small group you will notice your fellow group members on Sunday. This is where the true community feeling will begin to grow. When that small group is finished, sign up for another one.

Join a ministry. Here you can offer yourself to your Church community in many different ways. You can feed the homeless, visit nursing homes, teach children’s classes. How about giving personal prayer to those requesting it? Following the above suggestions you can use the size of your mega Church to your advantage. After all with more people come more needs. With more needs come more opportunities.

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