Easy Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Pain in the lower back can be extremely uncomfortable. Especially among people over thirty, recurring back aches are common. Factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, strained muscles and ligaments, injury and even poor posture can contribute to the pain.

Doing regular stretches for lower back pain is a great way to reduce the aching and to prevent further problems. Stretching can help to loosen and tone muscles and other tissue. Try these easy stretches once a day, such as in the morning or evening. They really help to soothe an aching back.

The Yoga Cat and Cow

One of the best stretches for lower back pain involves basic yoga poses known as the cat and cow. Start by positioning your body on your hands and knees, with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips. Leave your spine straight, keeping your neck long.

Inhale and move into the cow pose. In this position your chest is gently pushed forward and the abdomen sinks toward the ground. Lift your head slightly. Exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling, bringing your abdomen in and letting your head curl slightly down. This is cat pose.

Repeat this stretch slowly several times, inhaling and exhaling deeply with each move. This stretch is great for reducing back pain. It also helps to strengthen the spine and neck, and even has a calming effect on the nerves.

Ground Stretching

For these stretches you need to lie down on the ground. Unfortunately, for pregnant women in the third trimester, this is a move that should be avoided as it is important not to lie on your back for too long late in pregnancy. For everyone else, enjoy the soothing, pain relieving effects of these stretches for the lower back.

First, bring your knees to the chest, holding for about twenty seconds. Let the knees and hips drop to one side, and turn the head in the opposite direction. Stretch your arms out on the ground so they are perpendicular to the body. Stay in this position for about thirty seconds before moving the knees to the other side and turning the head in the opposite direction.

Try spending ten minutes a day with these easy stretches for lower back pain. Once you feel comfortable, add more movements to help build muscle strength and to keep your back and abdomen area healthy and toned. After the cat and cow stretches, try back leg extensions. Do leg lifts while still lying on your back after ground stretching. Use stretches to reduce pain, but also to prevent pain and injury.

The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma
Mayo Clinic

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