Did Our Ancestors Come from Mars?

Is it a possibility that our ancestors may be from the planet Mars? Obviously the planet currently cannot sustain life because of the lack of vegetation and different fluctuating temperature degrees, but at one point in history it could have. Scientists and experts have already identified the fact that ice exists on Mars which may suggest that at one time water must have existed there which could certainly be a major contributor to supporting life. However in the event of dying planet, what is a civilization left to do but to abandon their home world? If an advanced civilization knew that their planet was dying than they would be able to build a type of ‘ark’ in order to evacuate at least a few selected individuals that would ensure the survival of their race. Could this be the same ‘ark’ mentioned in Christian and ancient Greek text, but just a different version? With that being said, it has also been a theory that maybe the dinosaurs that inhabited Earth millions ago were in fact not wiped out by an asteroid but possibly a nuclear attack to ensure the safety of a species of advanced people upon their arrival on this planet.

What has also been recently uncovered is evidence of a race of human species with Neanderthal characteristics that all range to be an average of 8 to 12 feet tall. Could it be that a larger version of humans landed here from Mars and were the early ancestors of today’s civilization? What supports this theory is that animals such as goldfish can grow to the size of their habitat. If a goldfish is kept in a small 10 gallon tank than most likely throughout its entire life it will stay small however when that same goldfish is put into a 1,000 gallon pond that same goldfish can reach the size of an average Koi. A race of giant humans that may have lived here tens of thousands of years ago also helps explain how ancient monuments such as the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge were constructed because scientists are still baffled how our ‘primitive ancestors’ were able to build these sites. The use of an alien technology to build these ancient sites has also been suggested by many experts as well. This theory also helps explain that the humans that have inhabited Earth for the last few thousand years have shrunk in stature in order to fit the size of their habitat.

There are also stories in the Christian bible and other cultural doctrines that describe angels descending from the skies. Is it possible that these ‘angels’ were in fact an advanced species that came here to ensure our own survival and boost our intellect and technology? Although this remains only a theory many conspirators suggest that NASA even may be editing photos from the Mars rovers to hide evidence that the sky on Mars is still blue. Experts on the matter have also painstakingly analyzed the photos from mars and many of the rock and debris that is littered throughout the terrain is cut smoothly and even cornered suggesting that these may be the remains of ancient monuments on another planet. For now much more research is needed in order to have enough evidence to support these theories that may seem out of this world.

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