Choosing a Monologue for a Dramatic Audition

Monologues are among the most requested audition materials as they allow the casting directors to get a glimpse of your acting ability without having to actually engage the actor within a scene. Monologues are often used for film, television, stage and talent agency auditions. When you must select a monologue for a dramatic audition, it is vital you select one with an appropriate time period, theme and character choice based on the audition. Throughout my work as an actor and casting director, I have compiled several tips cultivated by my firsthand, professional experience.

Appropriate Time Period

This is one of the most important aspects of choosing a dramatic monologue. While you may be able to perfectly perform a monologue from “The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus” by Christopher Marlowe, the time period within this monologue will not be appropriate for an audition for a role within a film set in modern day America. The same can be said for period piece auditions. Properly choosing the time period for a dramatic monologue is vital as acting styles vary based on time periods.


The theme of your dramatic monologue should be based on the type of project you’re auditioning for. If you’re auditioning for a talent agency, this section doesn’t carry as much weight as if you’re auditioning for a film or stage play. As a general rule of thumb, you should select a monologue that closely resembles the primary theme of the project in which you’re auditioning for.


If you have the character breakdown for the audition, you should use this information to help you select your dramatic monologue. You wouldn’t want to choose a monologue for a character that is completely unlike the character you’re being considered for. For example, if the project requires a character who is calm, gentle and overly-caring you wouldn’t want to pick a monologue where the character is harsh, rude and crass. Although it will be difficult to select a monologue that is identical to the character you’re up for, it is possible to choose a dramatic monologue with a character who features similar personality traits.

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