Border Agent Jesus Diaz, Caught in Bait and Switch Game by DOJ

Everybody that is familiar with the bait and switch game knows it’s all about fraud used in the retail stores based on false advertisement and running a low price on an item not available and substituting this item with a more expensive item to make a sale with a higher profit. In Wikipedia it describes the political game as the process where “In lawmaking, “caption bills” that propose minor changes in law with simplistic titles (the bait) are introduced to the legislature with the ultimate objective of substantially changing the wording (the switch) at a later date in order to try to smooth the passage of a controversial or major amendment. Rule changes are also proposed (the bait) to meet legal requirements for public notice and mandated public hearings, then different rules are proposed at a final meeting (the switch), thus bypassing the objective of public notice and public discussion on the actual rules voted upon. While legal, the political objective is to get legislation or rules passed without anticipated negative community review.”

This is the exact same political game that found Border Agent Jesus Diaz behind bars as it was his job to interdict and arrest drug smugglers, human smugglers, weapon runners and trespassers coming into the borderlands of the southern part of Texas. Basically speaking, the DOJ, a member of the Homeland Security Agency and the Border Patrol agents have engaged in this type of game with border agents to make the point to the Mexican government that they are regulating the behavior and performance of border agents at the expense of finding individuals who are doing their jobs lawfully. These agents are now found to be expendable in their role thus entrapping them into a pseudo crime scene that fits the advertised need to appease the Mexican government in cooperation with the Justice Department. These rules of engagement demonstrates the political will of our government to seek false charges against officers doing their jobs by prosecution methods that resemble un-ethical and poor judicial practices to inflict political gains and pains on the accused. One such unethical practice is to seek witness testimony from those arrested and offering them immunity for charges to introduce or smuggle drugs or weapons into our country.

This legality can’t be questioned or challenged for the main principle making the accusation is the regulator, the U.S. government or Department of Justice. Relief may be granted from the Attorney General’s Office or Congress when they issue congressional subpoenas to discover crimes committed in such cases. In the meantime, border agents have no chance of being found innocent or exonerated by any means as the charges are trumped against him or her and unable to avoid or escape the immediate result of seeking a true bill for indictment from a grand jury. There are few actions that can be taken by the agent as these cases are not publicized and the offender is immediately removed from the public’s eye and cast into a solitary confinement condition inside a federal prison or holding facility to silence him or her through isolation and deprivation of those tools available to communicate with in a free society.


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