3 Safe Exercises for People with Bad Knees

Having bad knees almost surely limits the amount of exercises that are available to you, but what exercises are left that you can enjoy? Fortunately, there are many exercises that people with bad knees can both enjoy, and even excel at. As a rule of thumb, running and jumping are going to be very difficult for a person with bad knees because of the weight that is put on the body. These are referred to as high impact exercises, and are not good for anyone with bad knees. This article will focus on the types of exercises that will not only be doable for people with bad knees, but will actually make your body feel better for the future:


Swimming is a great choice for those with bad knees because of the low impact environment it provides. The water acts as a brace for your body helping to lift and support you as you exercise. Swimming is a great exercise that works all of the muscles in your body, giving you a complete workout while not causing you any discomfort. Swimming also can hold water aerobic activities, which will increase the flexibility of your knees, as well as giving you much needed exercise. If you’re interested in water aerobics, many classes are offered at gyms.


Walking is a great exercise for people with bad knees because of how accessible and painless it’s for people with bad knees. You can buy a pedometer and keep track of how many steps you’re taking to create a better workout, this will allow you to find your limit and stay away from any discomfort. It’s not as high impact as running because the weight you put on your body is less while doing the actually walking and you don’t have to come to a sudden jerky stop while walking.


Yoga is seen as an ideal exercise for people with bad knees because it has almost no impact and actually increases the flexibility and strength of your knees. Yoga is very accessible in just about any gym or school and can be done at home after you’ve learned some positions.

These are just three exercises that will help you with your bad knees, research for more low-impact exercises and there will surely be one that’s right for you. Bad knees may be annoying, but they don’t have to keep you from exercising, keep searching and you will find the exercise that’s right for you.

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