Why do some people try to be something they are not

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People usually pretend to be something they are not to gain acceptance from their social peers, or advancement in the workplace. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-some-people-try-to-be-something-they-are-not ]
More Answers to “Why do some people try to be something they are not
Why do some people try and be something their not??
Sometimes people try to escape the harshness of their own lives and try to be what they want to be, even if that’s opposite of who they are. It’s sort of a “fake it until you make it” thing. They WANT to be the person they are pre…
Does it bother you when people try to be something they are not??
Lil_Shorty09 : oh yes it does. but its their life and you never know maybe they are actually being themselves.people change
Why do I get angry when people try to correct me or tell me not t…?
I don’t think anyone likes to be told that they’re doing something wrong. There is a difference, though, between someone telling you not to do something for legit reasons (“Don’t use that ladder, it’s broken.”) and someone telli…

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Why so some people feel the need to say something when they are not asked it?
Q: Like lets say this for example”i am 14 and would like to have sex with my gf how would i approach it”.why would people say something totally different and try to divert them from that activity lets say saying “dont do focus on school and wait until marriage” or “you are too young for it”.well there is no such thing as too young for sex or dating so that statement is false. and waiting until marriage there is a chance they will never be married and you know nothing of their acedemics so thats not proven.so why do people try to divert them from the situation and not try to answer the question after all thats what she asked it for, for answers not your opinions. So basically why do people say something thats has nothing to do with the questionatlantaboi3 im if you can do that then i can press this buttoin that says “report abuse”rah*rah but some of the questions say they are using condoms and people will still say italso i would like to add that some say it will lead to pregnancy but ever heard of condoms?i’ve noticed this question might be debated on and pondered on when was someone gonna ask this question. Well i asked this because i saw alot of answers that had nothing to do with the question and i was sick of going the to report screen and doing all that
A: I’ve been trying to figure that out for a while now.
Why do some people try to be something they are not?
A: To fit in with society.
Why do some people try so HARD to be something they’re not?
Q: EX: If a person tries SO hard to be a thug. Why? That’s not cool.
A: It’s all about image nowadays. It’s what kids see in the media (t.v., magazines, music) that influences their choices in life. I find it hard to believe that Eminem, 50 Cent and P. Diddy are “role models” for today’s youth. They want to emulate their “heroes” in the way they dress and act. I am a Prison Guard and I see 19 year old white kids dressing, talking and acting like these rappers. I think it is hilarious and sad. They can’t face reality because they so desperately want to live the lifestyles they see their heroes living on t.v.. Working for a living is for chumps…why not make some easy money selling drugs or pimping so I can get the latest fashions and rides. Unfortunately life isn’t a free ride, you commit these crimes and you are going to go to jail. Every “thug” out there is a coward running from something (drugs, alcohol, abuse) or someone (criminals or gangs). They put on a tough image because they are afraid and don’t want others to see them for what they really are. The funny thing is these kids still live at home with their mommy’s! I hope this answers your question.
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