Why do humans experience emotion

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do humans experience emotion”,you can compare them.

Animals and humans both experience the same types of emotion due to our highly developed mammalian brains. Call 1-800-2ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-humans-experience-emotion ]
More Answers to “Why do humans experience emotion
Why did humans evolve to experience the emotion Hate??
People have always been in competition with their neighbors. In my opinion, that had inevitably meant they will have to go to war or settle disputes with violence. Most hatred that people feel is directed against competitors. They want to k…
What is the most unpleasent emotion / feeling that humans experie…?
Death of your parents/friend/child. Loneliness can be cured Jealousy is an emotion that all of us experience but can also be cured Death is final nothing can be brought back or cured.
Do you think all animals share similar feelings and emotions to t…?
animals are empathetic. i don’t know if animals feel all of the emotions that we do because we are more evolved and more educated and i think we have names for emotions that truly don’t even exist but i feel that animals feel at least 2 emo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why did humans evolve to experience the emotion Hate?
Q: I can’t see any logical reasoning for it? It doesn’t seem to play a role at all in species continuation or fitness.Are humans the only organisms that experience hate, spite, or vindictive behavior?Fitness is a term describing reproductive success.
A: People have always been in competition with their neighbors. In my opinion, that had inevitably meant they will have to go to war or settle disputes with violence. Most hatred that people feel is directed against competitors. They want to keep them down so they don’t harm their families future. The evolutionary advantage is that someone is going to win the competition and someone is going to lose. That is one of the basic driving principles of evolution. You can only cooperate until you reach the limit of your resources. Then someone loses.
Why do humans experience such intense emotions when it comes to hunting?
Q: I mean my heart starts to beat so fast and I get so nervous when I have the game in my sites… Will I always feel like this during the hunt???… Thanks for your excellent information… Jessi
A: when you don’t get those feelings, it is time to quit hunting
What is the most unpleasent emotion / feeling that humans experience?
Q: For me it is a tie between loneliness and jealousy.
A: Death of your parents/friend/child.Loneliness can be curedJealousy is an emotion that all of us experience but can also be curedDeath is final nothing can be brought back or cured.
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