Who is the founder of modern psychology

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Kurt Lewin is recognized as the founder of modern psychology. He pioneered the use of theory & using experimentation MORE? ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-founder-of-modern-psychology ]
More Answers to “Who is the founder of modern psychology
Who is the founder of modern psychology?
Kurt lewin (1890-1947) is universally known as the founder of modern psychology.

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Psychology Homework Help?
Q: William James was interested in how humans change habits to adapt to their environment. Which of the following theories is most closely tired to James’ research?a. Wundt’s introspection theory (Wundt is the founder of modern psychology because he established a lab and used experimental methods to study consciousness)b. Titchener’s structuralism theory (the theory that the structure of conscious experience could be understood by analyzing the basic elements of thoughts and sensations)c. Freud’s unconscious theory (theory of personality and therapeutic technique that attributes our thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflict)d. Darwin’s evolutionary theory
A: Since Darwin’s evolutionary theory was entirely founded on adaptation, and James was fairly existential in his beliefs, I would go with “D.”
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