What is normalization

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In creating a database, normalization is the process of organizing it into tables so the results are unambiguous and as intended. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-normalization ]
More Answers to “What is normalization
Normalization is a process in database design which groups data into various tables which are then crosslinked by a particular field. In a properly normalized database, there will be only one field in one table for a particular piece of dat…
Normalization is the process of modifying a data model or database design so that the resulting entities or tables are in normal form.
Normalization is how database designers decide on the appropriate fields, tables and table relationships that belong in the database. The benefits of a normalized database are reduced data redundancy and inconsistent dependency, as well as …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: i need the material for normalization to go through.can i know the site which helps me better?
A: Normalization in reference to doing what?????Perhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NormalizationBroadly, normalization (also spelled normalisation) is any process that makes something more normal, which typically means conforming to some regularity or rule, or returning from some state of abnormality. It has specific meanings in various fields: * Database normalization, used in database theory. (See also denormalization) * Normalisation of a wavefunction in quantum mechanics * Normalisation (people with disabilities) * Normalizing constant, used in mathematics, perhaps most often in probability theory * Normalization (audio) * Normalization (Czechoslovakia), the restoration of the conditions prevalent before the reform in Czechoslovakia, 1969 * Normalization (economics), which pertains when only relative prices matter * Normalization (image processing) * Normalization (metallurgy) * Normalization (sociology) * Normalization (statistics) * Normalization model (visual neuroscience) * Normalization of a function (in general calculus) is the process of removing a discontinuity (or singularity). * Normalization property, used in Raymond’s term rewriting systems * Text normalizationPerhttp://www.answers.com/Normalization+?cat=technology&gwp=13normalization (′nör·mə·lə′zā·shən)(computer science) Breaking down of complex data structures into flat filesnormalizationIn relational database management, a process that breaks down data into record groups for efficient processing. There are six stages. By the third stage (third normal form), data are identified only by the key field in their record. For example, ordering information is identified by order number, and customer information, by customer number. A major goal of normalization is to eliminate redundancy by having a data element represented in only one place.
What do you think of the normalization of obesity?
Q: For example, celebrities such as Orah and Monique routinely declare that fat is beautiful, and that thin people are unhealthy and unrealistic. It’s funny how criticism of skinny girls is perfectly OK and politically correct, but if you mention 1 word about obese women, you are Satan incarnate. Why are the feelings and insecurities of thin girls less valuable than obese girls?Anyway. Do you think reframing obesity as a positive, healthy thing is a good idea?
A: No, obesity is not a healthy idea. It is attractive to many people and by no means makes a person bad or stupid, but it is unhealthy. Being an obese person myself, I have thought a lot about this. Flavor is addictive. Foods that taste good are very addictive, Just think of kids and candy, If allowed, they will eat it all day everyday. When we get older our tastes change, we want a more mature flavor, but that addiction is still there, just in a different form. Americas economic success inevitably brought about the ready availability of rich, tasty foods. And they are available to us at any time of any day. This makes it feel like a sacrifice to go on a diet and/or eat healthy. But what do we do? We can’t just shut down all these major food companies and farmers and historic food developments by stopping them from being produced, thats just not realistic. I’m sure our forefathers imagined the feasts and evolution of the American quisine, but they could not even imagine how rampant the obesity and poor health would overwhelm us. And even if they did, they surely would not have known what to do whilst still upholding human freedom. Its an inevitability of any truly successful civilization. Education is the only way to fix this. We can’t just make people be healthy, we have to convince them to want to be healthy more than they want to eat good food. I’m still waiting to be convinced myself. Education is the only redemption for our country, and I don’t mean standard school education, I mean basic everyday common sense education, this is where we are lacking.
What Are Some Benefits Of Normalization Techniques in Database Design?
Q: I need some benefits of using normalization techniques in database design & why they are benefits. Thanks in advanced
A: There are many problems in flat file databases (Databases that consist of a single table).Here are some of the problems:Data is very likely to be duplicated. For example if you had a database that stored “members name” and the “dvd” he rented then each time the member borrowed a new dvd his name would have to be stored again:————————————–Member….|…….DVD…….|Bob Smith| Finding nemo|Bob Smith| Americian pie|This duplication of data leads to the posibility of data inconsistancy. This happens when the same data, stored on two seperate records, differs. Usually this is the result of human error:—————————————————–|DVD Code|Member….|…….DVD…….|002……….|Bob Smith| Finding nemo|003……….|Boob Smith| Americian pie| The above should be “Bob” not “Boob”. This is data inconsistancyOther problems are:If the member changed their name the database administrator would have to go through the whole database to change every occurence of the old members name replacing it with the new members name. This can often lead to data inconsistancty again. This is known as a modification anomalyThere is no way to store a member who has not rented a DVD if the primary key was “DVD code” for example. This is known as an insertion anomalyIf a dvd is removed from the database, perhaps to make room for more recent movies, then it may also result in removing the only recorded details of a member. This is known as a deletion anomaly.Collectively these three anomalies are known as update anomalies.The solution to the problems of update anomalies found in flatfile databases is to use a relational database. A reletional database stores data into more than one table. The idea is to insure data is only entered and stored once, so removing the posibility of data duplication and inconsistancy.Normalisation is the process used to work out what tables are required and which data items should be stored in each table.I’m sure the benifits speak for themselves. (Ensures data integrity, Ensures data is consistant, Removes the possiblity of data duplication (Data redundancy), Makes data easier to update/maintain…..)
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