What is it called when your afraid of spiders

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Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Thanks for using ChaCha! Is there anything else ChaCha can answer for you today? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-your-afraid-of-spiders ]
More Answers to “What is it called when your afraid of spiders
What is it called when your afraid of spiders?
Although the word you are looking for is arachnophobia, it only applies to the extremely intense fear of spiders. Many people are afraid of them, but only the people who have an incapcitating fear of spiders are arachnophobic.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the phobia where your afraid of spiders called?
A: Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders.
What is it called when I am terrified of spiders but I’m still interested in them?
Q: I have read about arachnophobia. It means that somebody is afraid of spiders. I’m afraid of real spiders, so much that once I even froze when saw one, but in books or in movies I find them very interesting (for example I’m reading a book called Spiders). What is this called? Is it still arachnophobia?
A: You still have arachnophobia
I am really afraid of spiders but, I don’t always freak out when I see one. What is this called?
Q: I am almost positive I do not have arachnophobia. Please help!
A: It’s just a normal fear or wariness – perfectly normal. There’s no official title for it, and if you had a phobia, you would have already been sent to a psychiatrist of some sort. Don’t worry!
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