What is classical behavior

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Classical conditioning is when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a certain behavior. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-classical-behavior ]
More Answers to “What is classical behavior
Who is more inclined to bad behavior, classical musicians or rock…?
I haven’t experienced too much bad behavior, but you hear stories about orchestras on the road. Some musicians had to be escorted off a plane recently for drunken behavior, which is something you associate more with rock musicians.
What are the examples of human behavior using classical condition…?
Eating disorders is a good example. They starve themselves and lose weight and as a result receive a lot of compliments so this reinforces the idea that their weight loss is a good thing therefore they continue to not eat.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the examples of human behavior using classical conditioning and operant conditioning?
A: Eating disorders is a good example. They starve themselves and lose weight and as a result receive a lot of compliments so this reinforces the idea that their weight loss is a good thing therefore they continue to not eat.
Can someone give me an example of classical conditioning in their own behavior?
Q: Please include the conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, and unconditioned response. Best answer will earn 10 points!
A: One example of classical conditioning in my life is the way I eat when the clock is at certain times instead of in response to the stimulus of hunger.The conditioned stimulus is the clock pointing to noon or to six PMThe conditioned response is my wanting to eat right then.Unconditional stimulus would be feelings of hunger or weakness.Conditional response would be eating.
What does the classical model predict about the behavior of price levels in business cycles?
A: The classical model predicted (or rather, correctly observed) that price levels fall during recessions and rise during expansions. Over time, however, this behavior changed. Price levels became relatively inflexible (today, we refer to this phenomenon as “sticky prices”), while cyclical adjustment began to happen through changes in employment rather than in price levels. In Britain, this occurred about 1850; most other industrialized nations followed by 1870 or 1880. It took economists a while to realize what was going on; Keynes was the first to point it out…
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