What exactly is deja vu? What causes it

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Some psychiatrists ascribe deja vu to a mismatching in the brain that causes the brain to mistake the present for the past. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-exactly-is-deja-vu%3F-what-causes-it ]
More Answers to “What exactly is deja vu? What causes it
Can someone tell me what exactly a deja vu is and what causes it….?
deja vu is a condition, where you feel like you have been there before. The exact situation you are in presently happens again. Scientists have put forth the idea that actually what is happening is that people are experiencing a temporary b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Exactly what is a deja vu? What causes it?
A: I have heard that deja vu occurs because you are in a place in your life that has brought you to that situation along fates path.Or in essence you are where you are supposed to be @ that time in your life.
Can someone tell me what exactly a deja vu is and what causes it.?
A: deja vu is a condition, where you feel like you have been there before. The exact situation you are in presently happens again. Scientists have put forth the idea that actually what is happening is that people are experiencing a temporary black out and when they come back to present time they feel like they had not left but were always there.
Does anyone want to attempt to explain Deja Vu?
Q: Nearly everybody has experienced a deja vu, or a situation in which you feel like you have already done some time in the past or in a dream, but what exactly causes a deja vu? Note: I don’t believe that this question has a concrete or “correct” answer; I am just curious as to what other fellow philosophers think about this very strange phenomenon.
A: there are many different things that -could- cause a deja vu, but i see it as one of the following:a misfire in the brain: there are millions of neurons connected in your brain, and each one of your senses is sending millions of Tb worth of data between these neurons every day, maybe you actually saw that cat walk by twice, but according to this theory, you saw it once, and a loops in your neurons sent you the message twice..error…error.a misfire in the structure of the universe: this ones slightly deeper, and even a skilled metaphysicist could never know the answer, is it real? the universe is so extremely deep, constantly expanding, not to mention the multiverse or infinite universe theories, that state there could be multiple universes making up everything we know, and that there could be an infinite amount of ever expanding infinite universe… yeah thats infinity to the power of infinity..whoa. anyways, this theory basicly states that whatever runs the laws of physics, and esentially our known universe, could be billions of times more complex than our brains, and there could be a misfire of one or more of the key elements that make up the universe, gravity, strong and weak force, and energy(is this the last one…i forget)either way, something is happening that shouldnt be
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