What does it mean if you dream about smoking weed? MORE

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More Answers to “What does it mean if you dream about smoking weed? MORE
Will smoking weed effect LUCID DREAMS?
Okay if this answer helps with your question then do me a favor and also explain it to everyone else who keeps on asking questions on what their dreams mean. When we are awake(conscious) with a lot of certain feelings of thoughts that go on…
Why do i have vivid dreams from smoking weed?
This is the reason why drugs including marijuana is illegal, they distort brain cells and make people believe things that are not real.
Why do I get such strange dreams whenever I’m not smoking weed??
define strange. however a dream is just the subconscious trying to figure stuff out. the weed is probably stopping you from having the dream most of the time so ur mind is working faster when it can dream making them seam stranger however i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I dreamed about smoking weed? What does it mean?
Q: Last night i had a dream i was smoking or sniffing drugs and i was afraid to get caught so i hid it somewhere on the cabinet. But somehow someone caught me.and i was terrified. LOL. Its very weird. i dont do drugs or smoke im 14. What does that dream means?
A: maybe it will happen, because I sometimes have dreams that tells my future. It often times don’t occur as what the dream interprets but you get this Deja vu feeling like you seen it before.
Dream about my boyfriend smoking weed, what does it mean?
Q: I had a dream last night, I don’t remember all of it but from what I remember: I was at my house and all the neighbors were out and yelling at this kid who was hiding behind this toy cabin (meant for little kids) in my yard. So I ran over and there’s my boyfriend. I was like, “what are you doing?” And he was like, “smoking a blunt” I remember we both got up and I was in a different part of my yard with him. I was yelling at him and slapping and punching him but when I hit him, he would just look at my hand because my punches and slaps weren’t strong enough to actually make it hurt. I was crying and yelling at him to stop and how could he do this but he just kept smoking it away and eating some of it? <–That’s all I remember of the dream.Now me, I’m highly against him smoking anything. One time he was going to with a friend and lied to me about it. I found out and gave him hell for it..he never ending up smoking. But that was a long time ago. I don’t know why I had this dream, I’m not worried about him smoking anything anymore. Could the weed represent something else? And why were my punches and slaps not strong enough to be effective? Please let me know, thank you :)My boyfriend never smoked anything before..only in this dream.
A: First of all, smoking and smoking weed are very close. They are form of smoking but with different substance.Smoking weed in your dream may reflect your helplessness in something you can’t control. Unless in reality, you had some suspicion about him smoking, the dream basically is a reflection of your insecurity, helplessness and anxiety.You projected him smoking weed, that projection is basically about things in your subconscious mind that you feel it is wrong and incorrect or immoral. The behavior you projected him doing is like telling you that you feel lack of control if he is going against your will one day.In other words, in your subconscious mind, you tried to foresee some unpleasant thing that happens. This unpleasant thing in this dream is about smoking weed. But basically it reflects things you feel that he may not listen to you. In other words, you subconscious demand him to pay full attention to you. Smoking weed is only an excuse in your subconscious mind and you vent out all your feelings of attention seeking in this Dream.
What does it mean when you have a dream where you are smoking weed?
A: If you actually use this drug, then the dream has no special significance; otherwise, a dream concerning its use would suggest that you are contemplating something that would not be to your creditIt doesn’t necessarily mean you want to smoke weed; it just means you want to do something wrong.
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