What do dreams stand for

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The images in our dreams always contain hidden meaning which goes far beyond the outer appearance. The language…(MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-dreams-stand-for ]
More Answers to “What do dreams stand for
What do dreams stand for?
Dreams are just dreams and do not “mean” anything. The mind is sorting out stuff and there is no reason to place any importance in anything you may remember upon waking up.
What does DREAMS stand for?
“The effect of psychic activity protracted in sleep. Their religious significance derives from many sources, not the least of which is the frequency with which the Scriptures speak of dreams, in the Old and New Testaments, and indica…
Who can tell me what does this dream stand for?
sorry to tell you this but i dont think that your going to find a person that can tell you what it means. dreams are some that only the person who has them can interpit your dreams. personally any one that can tell you what it mean really d…

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Q: hi, i always have dreams where i meet lots of men i dont even know, anyone know what men means in dreams?
A: Not totally sure… probably quite straight forward and just means men, or your father on a Freudian sense.If it included water… water is supposed to symbolise the sexual act.
Do certain dreams stand out to you throughout you’re life?
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A: I would definitely say certain dreams do stand out. You may find that their is some kind of “good energy” in this world that is trying to help us fulfill our dreams. And this energy may appear in your dreams as a “wise old man/woman”, “mandals”, “the sun”, “spiritual beings.”If you looked at the great story “star wars,” you can see many of these types of good energy symbols: Obi One Kenobi, Yoda.So, i’d say these great types of dreams many inspire you throughout life.I’m influenced by Carl Jung. You should read up on his creative brand of psycholgy. It’s very cool!
Dreams. Where does their content originate? Are they just graphical depictions of our emotional insecurities?
Q: What does the latest research say?The dreams I am talking about here, are not simple imagination, or very brief dreams. I am referring to those dreams that appear very realistic, vivid dreams that occur like a short story. They seem half “real”, half “unreal” when I experience them. Unfortunatley, since I have not yet figured out how to become consciously aware in these dreams (realise they are not “real”) they are very emotionally confronting, and the bizarre aspects of them feel “real”.These particular dreams stand out among others, they will involve familiar places, or adaptations of familiar places, or other places that look just like they could exist in real life. Often, I will interact with various “characters” in the “story” of the dream, who seem like they could be real people. However, “weird” things seem to be overlayed on top of this otherwise “normal” appearing dream and “story”. Such as strange transformations, strange little events, and other strange images.
A: Don’t believe they are necessarily depicting our emotional insecurities. They can depict our present frame of mind , its strong/weak points, the challenges we have , and even the results we are going to get from them. In this way they can predict too. Anybody seeking self-awareness should be alert about his/her dreams. I did this for a period of several years and i gained much. The beautiful part of it was that when i could interpret each dream and got the lesson it had for me, i had a kind of epiphany and the next stage of my development would have been introduced. The minute you can find the meaning of a recurrent dream, it disappears into thin air. Never ever of that. And many of them were in the form of short stories with characters, plot, imagery, symbolism,etc. Don’t miss them. Jung’s writings and Fromme’s ‘The Forgotten Language ‘ can help a lot.
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