What are characteristics of a phobia

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Phobias are intense fears about things or situations that then interfere with life. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-characteristics-of-a-phobia ]
More Answers to “What are characteristics of a phobia
What are the characteristics of specific phobia?
People with specific phobias know that their fear is excessive, but are unable to overcome their emotion. The disorder is diagnosed only when the specific fear interferes with daily activities of school, work, or home life. Approximately 19…
What characteristics are associated with phobias?
Phobias cause characteristics of anxiety. To avoid anxiety, people with phobias try to avoid any situation they know would cause them to feel anxious and/or which might lead to a panic attack.
What are the characteristics of social phobia?
Although this disorder is often thought of as shyness, the two are not the same. Shy people can be very uneasy around others, but they do not experience the extreme anxiety in anticipating a social situation — and, they do not necessaril…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can anybody think of an actual illness with these characteristics, besides social anxiety or some phobia?
Q: It’s pretty much just being extremely affected by other people. Like if I detect just the slightest negativity from someone it can cause me to be extremely depressed. If someone seems to have a little attitude or is annoyed with me in anyway it bothers me profoundly. I am able to have serious relationships, but he can’t be negative and mean very often (I’ve been living with my boyfriend for nearly a year). Though I have very few friends, I tend push people away pretty quickly and shut people out of my life if the do something bad to me. It’s very hard for me to hold down jobs because I often feel like my superiors are targeting me in someway. I’m a very nice person and if someone is criticising me I’m most likely just going to smile and nod as if I don’t notice it. If someone does push my buttons too much I might say something a little bitchy but it’s rare and then I usually end up feeling bad about it later. I don’t think that I’m delussional or anything, I think I am catching on to real “negativity” from people (people can be really mean, especially to strangers) but my problem is in how much it bothers me. Most people get through their day without thinking twice about little comments or eye rolls here and there, but for me a little thing can ruin my whole day, relationship or even job. and if something gets to me too much, it can bother me for months and months.
A: I’m no doctor, but it sounds a bit like Borderline Personality Disorder.Take this, and see what you get: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv
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