If you dream about someone does that mean that they are thinking about you

Health related question in topics Conversational Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “If you dream about someone does that mean that they are thinking about you”,you can compare them.

If you dream about someone that means you have noticed them and possible like them, not the other way around. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-dream-about-someone-does-that-mean-that-they-are-thinking-about-you ]
More Answers to “If you dream about someone does that mean that they are thinking about you
When you dream of someone does that mean they are thinking about …?
In my opinion, I think that person is either dreaming of you or thinking of you in some way or they are talking about you. We meet many people in our lives and for someone to be in your dreams repeatedly means they are a good person and goo…
When you randomly dream about someone, does it mean they are thin…?
no, but some gullible people will believe it is, just like some still believe elvis is still alive…
What does it mean when you Dream/wake up & think someones in …?
sometimes bad dreams are remmberd more than good ones. dont worry you’ll forget that dream by time.you dreamt about blood maybe you have some feelings. Blood in a dream has many meanings. Some of the most common: To dream that you are bleed…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When you dream of someone does that mean they are thinking about you?
Q: Thats what I heard, if you dream of someone that you know, they are thinking of you. Is that true?
A: In my opinion, I think that person is either dreaming of you or thinking of you in some way or they are talking about you. We meet many people in our lives and for someone to be in your dreams repeatedly means they are a good person and good for your future.
If you have a dream about someone, does that mean they were thinking about you before they went to sleep?
Q: i always get those chain letters that say “if you have a dream about someone, that person went to bed thinking about you.” And i was wondering, is that actually true? Please answer. Thankss(:
A: nope you cant tell when somebody else is thinking about you. BUT it proably means that ether you were thinking about them before you went to sleep or your brain just conjured up a dream about them
what do your dreams mean someone said that if u dream about someone they r thinking about u is this true?
Q: so if i dream about a guy he’s thinking about me??
A: no your thinking bout them i think
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