How do you keep from getting zits

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One way is to keep your skin clean by gentle washing with products that will not make your acne worse. Thanks for choosing ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you keep from getting zits
How to keep from getting zits?
Try to wash your face twice a day. This will keep your pores clean. Also, use an astringent or toner after washing, this will deep clean yours pores. Finish off by using a cream specifically designed to get rid of and prevent new acne from …
What will keep me from getting pimples/zits?
drink 8-10 glasses of water Crush mint leaves to extract the juices. Apply the juice to your face every night. This acne home remedy also the tooth paste works too. To remove the redness apply the eye drops which reduces the redness I think…
Why do I keep on getting zits on my chin, but nowhere else??
do you hold your head up with your chin, like when you are sitting in class and are bored? I found that as soon as i stopped doing that my skin cleared up. Your hands are dirty – im not saying that to be a ***** – they touch everything and…

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how do i keep from getting zits?
Q: okay, i found a way to quickly get rid of the zits i have (neutrogina oil free acne wash) but i still get new ones. how do i keep from getting new ones? any good target or wal mart products? anything? remember it has to b to get rid of them- thanks!!
A: I struggled with acne from about the 10th grade through my first year of college. Then I found-out what I was doing wrong.We have “good bacteria” that lives on our faces. They are called macrophages. They good bacteria eat the bad bacteria that causes acne. When we use soaps (espeically deodorant soaps), the soap kills the good bacteria and this allows the bad bacteria to take over.I stopped using all soaps on my face and my acne went away. I am not saying that would work for everyone, but it worked for me. I went from being a pizza face to having normal skin. So, try washing your face with just warm water and no soaps. It might mean washing your face several times a day (like every hour) with just warm water, but just don’t use soap and see if it makes a difference.
how to keep from getting zits?
Q: ok, ill take care of the zits i hae now- but i need a nice, long, good answer about keeping from getting them. what are things that someone does to get zits (just so i dont so it) i want surefire ways to not get ANY or very little, zits. thanks!
A: Cleanse, tone and moisterise your face, and drink 2 litres of water a day every day. Drinking 2 litres of water is what works best for me.
how to get rid of scars from acne? also how to keep zits and scars from coming back?
Q: how to get rid of scars from acne? also how to keep zits and scars from coming back? also how to i try to hide a zit or scar with makeup without it still being noticeble?? any suggestions for any of these would help! thanks so much if you can!!something that i can buy or a home remedy? i dont have enough money to see a dermatologistoh also something cheap, under twenty bucks 🙂
A: here are some home-made, all natural skin care remedies. to get rid of acne scars:to get rid of acne scars mix two tablespoons of jojoba oil (can probably be found at a local heathfood shop) and four drops of lavender oil. Apply this mixture to your scars day and night for about a week, and there should be a great improvement. to prevent zits from coming back:Make a cleanser at home to use everyday to prevent your zits coming back. A very soothing cleanser for acne prone skin can be made really easily from a few drops of lavender oil (which is highly cleansing and antiseptic) a half a cup of buttermilk (which soothes and brightens your skin). Mix the two ingredients and apply to your skin with cotton wool buds. You should rinse your skin with luke-warm water after leaving the product on your skin for about ten minutes. what to do if you get a spot:If you get a zit again, the best thing to do is not apply any make-up, but instead spread a layer of honey over it (which is antiseptic and should clean your skin). wipe the honey off after about an hour and rub a fresh garlic clove over the spot, (this is also anti-septic). You should notice your zit gone very quickly after this :)good luck, and have fun making these treatments at home 😀
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