How can you gain more confidence

Health related question in topics Conversational Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you gain more confidence”,you can compare them.

Confidence in most areas of life is grown through practice. To gain a more confident attitude in any activity, just do it. Thanks [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you gain more confidence
・ 1 You will need to be able to relax. Find a quiet room where you will not be disturbed and set up your… ・ 2 Light the white candle and begin to relax. Stare into the mirror, looking into your reflected eyes… ・ 3 Listen. Any doubts you…
Here are some ways: ・ By trying things that are hard for you and finding out you can do them. ・ By accomplishing things that make you feel proud of yourself. ・ By working hard and gaining exceptional skill or proficiency in some one thing…
・ Don’t ever pay attention to people whose motives are to put you down. These people try to belittle your… ・ Talk confidently to people and don’t be shy. Make yourself appear outgoing by using your body language… ・ If she does smile, ap…

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A: You have to be yourself when you around the girl. Try a joke as an icebreaker. Trust me once you make a girl laughing the next step will be much easier. Good luck sweetie
How can I gain more confidence?
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A: Walk tall and don’t let anybody put you down.Be civil and polite to everybody, no matter how much you want to scream and shout at them.Be content with the fact that you can do some things better than others, and be content with the fact that you will never be the best at everything.Understand that others have problems with confidence too, no matter how calm and collected they seem on the outMine?;_ylt=AlHg1kmRcgxgwLCYe961oFYSxgt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090601091222AAKXDvp
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Q: I really love singing and have sang in front of a crowd before, but I began to shake really badly and my voice started to crack a bit. How can I gain more confidence and not be so nervous when I’m up on stage singing?
A: People who have self confidence can do anything without fear. They know that no matter the worse case scenario, they will survive. They know how to stand up in front of a crowd without fear and know that even if they didn’t know what they’re talking about..they could get by on charm alone.Some say imagine the audience in their underwear. If that works, use it. The easiest way in your situation, is to know your material like the back of your hand…practice practice practice!Understand that even if you goof up, you will have learned something to apply to your next performance.
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