How can you calm down

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My favorite Stress relief tip: gather your favorite snacks, and spend an evening watching funny films or comedians. ChaCha for now [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you calm down
・ 1 Decide you want to calm down. You may think this obvious, but this is the step we can’t remember:)… ・ 2 Turn blind! You can find a quiet corner if you want, but it is not necessary. Close your eyes- cut… ・ 3 Watch and listen. Watch …
・ Gently and quietly, breathe through your nose and back out through your mouth for as long as you’re angry… ・ Shake your shoulders to release tension. ・ Talk to friends or go on the computer to forget about the stress. ・ Lie down in a sa…
Personally, I take time out from everything, sit on a comfortable rug and stare at a spot on the wall. I don’t know why, but it seems to blanken my mind and calm me down. I don’t weather it only works for me, but you might as well give it a…

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Q: Is this a life long anomaly?(Cough medicine is cheating)
A: I take my 8y.o. twin sons to the track and get them to run laps, works everytime! Also, I find tv calms them down immediately, don’t like to use it too often, but it works. Also I try to prevent them from being hyper in the 1st place by reducing sugar intake, making sure they get enough sleep, healthy food and exercise.
How to calm down a dog that is scared of thunder?
Q: It just started pouring rain over her where I live and there’s very strong wind pounding on the door as well as lightning and thunder and my dog is terrified. He’s a labrador and golden retriever mix, as if it matters. Any suggestions on how I can calm him down?Thanks everyone, lots of great answers; although a bit conflicting as some people are telling me to cuddle him and the rest to ignore him. But I’m giving him treats and turned on some calming music (the oldies station should be calming enough) and it seems to be working ok. He likes to sleep in my closet so I put a blanket for him down there and he’s laid down and seems quite comfortable. He’s still a bit nervous since he won’t stop trembling but at least he’s stopped pacing around the house.Too many great answers so I’m gonna have to put this one up for voting.
A: For my pets, whenever they were scared by whatever, I would just keep them close and talk to them in a calm and soothing voice, saying that everything was OK, and to not worry. I know some people would say that’s silly, but our pets respond to our voices, so use a soothing tone of voice.Hey people, I’m not saying to overwhelmingly coddle them. I stayed relaxed and they responded in kind. If you were afraid of lightning and thunder, I’m sure your parents would explain stuff and say not to worry, well, dogs don’t understand the exact words we’re saying, but they certainly understand any inflection in our tone of voice and any physical response we might have. I don’t think this is coddling.
How do I calm a dog down after smoke detectors go off?
Q: Obviously smoke detectors release a high pitch screetching sound that drives dogs crazy but how do you calm a dog down after an incident? I searched for already asked questions but none seem to answer what to do. I pick him up and hold him but he shakes and pants like crazy and puts his nails out and digs them into you. Is there any way besides holding him and letting time calm him down to get him to calm down?
A: There isn’t really much. I have a few suggestions, though.1) Does he have a safe place? If so, put him there and sing a lullaby to him. ( It works for my dogs! )2)Maybe after it goes off, you can offer him treats and pet him. I don’t suggest this because if there ever happens to be a fire, then he will not treat it seriously and instead ask for treats. 3) Do the Smokey bear procedure! Leash him and lead him out of the house. It might be useful because if there is ever a real fire, he will know what to do. The downside is that every time the detectors go off, he will bolt to the door.4) Last but not least, ignore him. If you make a huge fuss, he will learn that highe shrieky sound=petting and love.Good luck!(Email me if these don’t work.)
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