Waiting for Santa

I have been around for many a Christmas

But never have they been coming around

…..so fast…

When I was a child I sat by the window

on Christmas eve

Watching for Santa Claus

It was late

I was tired

But still I sat and waited.

As I got older I knew better

but still I waited for Santa

However, the holidays

seemed to come around a little faster

than it did when I was younger.

Each year I felt the same thing

The years had the same amount of months

But somehow it seemed to be speeding


Before I knew it

It was Christmas time again

The holidays were rushed

by vendors trying to sell their wares

followed by greeting card suppliers

trying to sell their cards

Somehow we no sooner finished

our Thanksgiving dinner

than it became the Christmas holiday

I loved when I was able to celebrate

each holiday without rushing

to start the next

Each holiday had their own

fun, food and individual celebrations

Today, the months speed by

The years of my life rush as well

I think we should stop!

smell the roses!

And allow each Holiday to

be celebrated in full

By itself .

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