Treatments for Acne Scars

Previously published in Examiner

Montrealers who have serious acne can get an referral from their family doctor for a dermatogolist in their area, or they choose to visit a private clinic and pay for the services rendered.

Acne can be so bad that teenagers end up with the telltale scars. Doctors use various methods to rid the patient of ugly acne scars.

There are several methods used to lessen the scars association with severe acne:

Soft tissue fillers:

This procedures requies that fat or collagen is injected into the acne scars under the skin. The fat will stretch out the skin and lessen the appearance of the scars. However, it doesn’t last and the procedure has to be repeated.

Chemical peels

Doctors will remover the top layer of skin by apply high-potency acid. This procedure will lessen the appearance of scars in the deeper layers of skin.


Dermabrasion involves taking off the top layer of skin with a wire brush. This procedures is done in the most severe cases of acne. Therefore, the top layer of scaring is removed and the deeper layers of acne scars on the skin are not as prominent. However, this procedure can change the color of skin on people with darker skin tone.


This procedure is newer than dermabrasion. The doctor takes a device that blows crystals onto the skin. The doctor will then use a vacuum tube to rid the dead skin and debris. The skin isn’t damaged in this procedure, but the scars may still be noticeable and it requires several treatments.

Laser Therapy

The laser destroys the epidermis which is the outer layer of the skin, while heating the layer underneath to remove visible signs of acne scars. New skin will form after the wounds heal.

Light source and radiofrequency

This procedures still requires the use of lasers, but the lasers are less intensive. This type of laser is non as nonablative, using pulsed lights and radiofrequency. The outer layer of the skin is not damaged and the second layer of the skin, the dermis is heated, prompting new skin growth. Several treatments are required to lessen the visibility of scars.

Skin surgery

Skin surgery called punch excision is sometimes used to cut out acne scars. It is a minor surgery and the scar site is either sewed up again or the doctor will do a skin graft.



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