‘Star Trek’ Still Boldly Goes After 45 Years

Stardate – -311313.2993404363 (September 8, 2011, Time: 15:29:52): 45 years after the first airing of ‘Star Trek,’ this pop cult show still boldly goes where no show has gone before. The cast, crew, writers, directors, and more have made more movies and TV spin offs of this one show than any other in history.

Here are a few facts about this popular, long-running series. There may be a few things you didn’t know, but a lot you did know.

6 series made, including the original, of ‘Star Trek.’ This includes one animated series that aired in 1973.

2 comic strips. The first comic strip ran for four years. The second released 2011.

1,400 strips comprised the four year run of the first comic strip.

61 comic books were written and sold between 1967 and 1979.

11 movies to date with a possible 12th in 2012.

167 books written for TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager.

45 years of ‘Star Trek’ spanning across galaxies we can only dream of.

3 different crews on the Enterprise.

5 different Enterprise ships not including the warship featured in the movie ‘Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.’

1 warship bearing the name Enterprise.

1 space shuttle orbiter named Enterprise which I’m not sure was ever mentioned on any of the shows or movies. This is just a bit of extra trivia related to the anniversary of ‘Star Trek.”

Countless alien encounters.

Countless battles in space and on planets including Earth.

Countless paper models on the Internet about the pop cult series.

More by Karen:

Free Printable Star Trek Paper Models


Star Trek Database; StarTrek.com

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