Spiritual Basic Training: 50 Missions for a Spirit-Filled Life #13

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever-the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16-17). This is our way to connect spiritually with our Lord God Almighty and Jesus Christ. Prayer allows us to seek God’s guidance and will through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Our thoughts and intentions are already known to God before we confess them to him. Prayer is our way of acknowledging that we love God, we need God, and we want a relationship with God. For with God all things are possible. For us to be with God, we must know him intimately and have a loving relationship with him. That is why we pray. To build a relationship with God so that through his Holy Spirit, we may know what his will is for us, to praise him, and ask him for his guidance and help. Let us nurture that relationship with God through prayer. Draw close to God and feel the warmth of his love and grace. The only way to do so is with honest and earnest prayer every day.

MISSION: Relationship building

Make the relationship we have with God first in our hearts. Put all our efforts into knowing, loving, and serving him the way he wants us to. Strive every day to make the relationship we have with God grow delightfully by studying, praying, and loving righteously. Embrace the time that we share in prayer with God. Like any relationship we want to nurture, it requires time and effort to build. The more time we spend with him, the faster we will connect spiritually. Start building the greatest relationship of all today!

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Chris is the author of the inspirational book “Spiritual Basic Training” Learn more at www.spiritualbasictraining.com to complete missions for a Spirit-filled life.
God Bless

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