Soul Mates

The one that stays with you

Through thick and thin,

Makes you do what you ought to

When things fall apart within.

Is there someone to help YOU through?

Is there someone that can pass the test

And make you see what to do.

When you don’t know what’s best

They take your worries on for you

So that you can take a rest?

They take the burdens on themselves

For your best interest-

Thinks on, and into them delves

So the relationship, at its best,

Extends to be greater than yourselves.

Be sure to cherish a friend such as this.

For, in your dying days,

With a goodbye wish,

To you she says,

“Farewell to bliss.”

These friends will come and go,

But out of the abyss,

You must have faith and know

That you also they will miss

And will return once again to the old flow.

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