Sidewalk Safari Part III

Sidewalk Safari Part III
Deciding to buy a scooter was a hard decision for me. When I talked it over with my doctor, he was concerned that if I bought a scooter, I would walk less. So for a time, I refrained from purchasing one; but I also noticed that I was staying home more, as for the time being I had decided to give up my car and learn to adjust to the world using other modes of transportation: my feet, my walker, buses, taxis. I stopped going to the library. I had my groceries delivered. I was spending a lot of time sitting in front of my laptop moving nothing but my fingers; or I was working around the house and pretty much sticking to my yard. My garden began to look like a jungle. I thought to myself, this is not the answer. I decided I needed to get out into the world more. Perhaps, I should go on a safari – a sidewalk safari, that is.
I bought a mobility chair scooter, but I only use it when I travel a distance too far for me to walk; or when I go shopping and there is too much for me to carry comfortably. The rest of the time it sits in the shed my neighbor built for me at my request. I use it perhaps two or three times a week. To be continued…

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