Profit Jackpot by Anik Singal

Have you heard of Profit Jackpot by Anik Singal? If you have heard of Profit Jackpot then you have probably saw the sales page that Anik Singal has put together. It sounds cool, looks great and really makes people want to buy Jackpot. Singal does an excellent job making Jackpot seem very good. This is what all gurus try to do with their products. Sometimes the products are great and sometimes they are not so great. How good is Profit Jackpot though? Is Jackpot really something that can earn people some good money?

It is really baffling that so many people promote Profit Jackpot and Anik Singal still pushes this product. Profit Jackpot is not Singal’s best product and Jackpot is simply auto-blogging that gets spun content. Isn’t this one of the things Google really isn’t a fan of? Google Panda update also seems to be targeting sites such as the ones Profit Jackpot creates, which are sites that have poorly written content as well as sites that have content that is not even related to what the site is suppose to be about! Another thing that seems odd about the sales video is that Anik Singal talks about how he pulls in comments quickly when posts it on the blogs that Profit Jackpot creates. Singal goes on and says it is a secret where the comments come from. Secret? Really? It is not a secret. The comments are being pulled from YouTube and not because people found the website that Profit Jackpot created.

Profit Jackpot is not worth the money and that is all there is to it. Auto-blogging software is a waste since the Google Panda update. Nothing else has to be said about why you should not buy Profit Jackpot other than “GOOGLE PANDA UPDATE.” If you do buy this product from Anik Singal then use Profit Jackpot at your own risk.

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