Paper Plate Crafts 5: The Duck

Younger children will enjoy creating a duck out of a paper plate. Parents will love that this craft costs mere pennies.

You will need the following items for this craft:

Scissors Paper Plate Staple gun Glue Paint Construction paper Paint brush Pencil

Follow the instructions below to make your paper plate duck:

Paint a paper plate yellow. If paint is not available, then you can color the plate yellow with crayons, markers, or even colored pencils. Fold the plate in half. Using orange construction paper, draw and cut two duck feet. They are round at the top and have three triangles at the bottom. Place both feet at the bottom of the round part of the paper plate, where they meet the fold. Place the feet facing out and place them slightly in between the folded paper plate. Staple the folded paper plate together with the two feet inside. Cut a circle from a piece of yellow construction paper. This is the duck’s face. Draw two black circles on the duck’s face for the eyes. Cut out a small triangle from orange construction paper and paste it underneath the eyes. Staple the duck’s head onto the paper plate at the top right corner. Using a piece of orange construction paper, trace two hands. Have the classmates trace each other’s hands. Cut the paper hands and staple them to the top back corner. These are the feathers of the duck.

Before or after students make this craft you can teach them the following duck facts:

Ducks are actually birds. Ducks live for approximately 2-12 years (this is their total life span.) Ducks have waterproof feathers, which is necessary, because they spend most of their time in water. Male ducks are called drakes while female ducks are called ducks. Male ducks are brightly colored while female ducks are more brown. Baby ducks are called ducklings.

A fun book to read your students is “Giggle, Giggle, Quack” by, Doreen Cronin. You can borrow it from the library or purchase it at Amazon used for as little as $.53.

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