Nutritional Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton

The food chain begins with marine phytoplankton, a microscopic super food found in our oceans. Many kinds of ocean life, including whales, feed on this stuff. To be at the bottom means there is so much to offer. Think about it- when you eat tuna-essentially, their nutrition becomes your nutrition.In addition, because marine phytplankton is a primary producer for nutrition, it offers complete (and raw) nutrition in a single source! Bottom line is that marine phytoplankton may be microscopic, but is packed with powerful nutrition- making you and your family feel better!

BE KIND TO YOUR HEART- Marine phytoplankton has been proven to lower cholesterol and support cardiovascular function!
SKIN CARE -This tiny gem helps fight acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis. It also contains agents known to tighten the skin and improve skin tone naturally!
SEE MORE! -Marine phytoplankton is known to improve vision by supporting brain cells, protecting the cornea, and alleviates eye fatigue. It’s more beneficial than Lutein!
DIABETIC? Marine phytoplankton aids in moderating diabetes, reduces symptoms of hypoglycemia, and helps to control blood sugar levels. It also helps to maintain a healthy body weight!
MENTAL HEALTH AND BRAIN FUNCTION- Promote cellular growth, enhance your memory, reduce stress, enhance focus, be alert, ease dementia- improve over all mental function Get your phytoplankton in a variety of presentations at
JOINT HEALTH- Ease your joint pain and move easier!
FOR YOUR LIVER AND KIDNEYS- Marine phytoplankton eliminates toxins in your body!
GET SOME REST- Marine phytoplankon is known to reduce anxiety and insomnia!
GET ENERGIZED- Let’s face it: most of us have a lot on our plates! Marine phytoplankton is easily absorbed into the body. Plus, they give off more energy by about 400x Increase your energy with marine phytoplankton!
REDUCE STRESS- Before you reach for the Xanax, try marine phytoplankton first! Your brain will thank you for giving it some real nutrition!
FIGHT OFF ILLNESS- Feeling under the weather? Marine phytoplankton contains agents to improve your immune system, reduce cancer risk, rid your body of toxins, ease that headache, and even silence that cold!
PAIN RELIEF- Inspirin relieves the pain and eases the stress! try it now at

Side note: Marine phytoplankton creates about half of our oxygen on earth!

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