Next Door Aliens

You’re the alien… Mrs. to my Mr. how happily you took my name which just makes my point so much more evident. I mean you have to be different from your kind and mine, still such a stranger after how many years… both time and light.

Alien vs. Predator, maybe predator and prey, boy meets girl but I don’t ever remember hating you, fighting sure but never out of malice. There was something to your chasing, I’ve been chased before but never have I wanted to be caught and when I was so were you. “Mr. Alien” and you were “Ms. Alien” the two of us together, yeah we were both sick, getting sicker, terminal so we left home, can’t say I miss it and where are you from again?

Never met a “girl” like you before, you look like them, sound like them, and still something is very much off, wanting me the way that you do. I don’t want to lie to you, I’m not like any of the others of my kind, not the best, possibly the worst, but you make me want to be better for you. Still I don’t understand you, makes that water fall from your eyes, something we have in common, I’m sorry I find you so odd.

That’s not all I find you, you’re beautiful, you’re sweet, you keep me on my toes and knock me off my feet, good thing we’re in Zero G right. The strangest thing of all is you make feel… happy; who really is the alien here, I don’t recognize myself.

I’m the alien…to think I once dreamed of something beyond the stars and now you lie here in my arms; studying you is to know me. To be alien beats everything else I once was, why do you think I responded so kindly when I heard your call.

Your eyes, not the back of your head, not filled with tears from cackling, and not avoiding me but looking right back into my own, a beautiful shade and yet I am so exposed. I never knew something, someone could be so soft and gentle, I shiver not from fear, but from such warmth and desire, cold and on fire, I think we’re just right. Your voice “Mr. Alien” call me whatever you wish as long as you call me your own and I can call you mine.

To be called worthless, to be nameless, though I never was as long as I was around my kind and yours as well, to be turned so cold and to be filled with such rage; then you found me. How long has it been since we heard the whispers, do they still call for you, they seek to destroy me. Dead silence, dead space, no one can hear you scream… but me of course and I was always so very quiet until I had something worth saying.

Love… maybe we should come up with a new language, after all who else would know? I guess he or she would know; he or she will be the real alien I suppose, when we finally get there.

You’re the alien… a stranger like your mother and I and yet we can’t help but love you as well. Strange you’re the only one here that isn’t a refugee, your mother being your home world and all, at least she says she’s as big as a planet but she’s beautiful and you my child will be born on a whole new world, your new home.

Will you be as beautiful as your mother, have her voice and her smile, you’d be so lucky but your mother didn’t want any gene help. It’s scary to think you might be just like me, maybe we should have considered another planet but as long as I’m not like my… I’ll love you and I will protect you. As long as you’re healthy, ten little fingers and toes, eyes to see your new home, and a heart, to think I had once forgotten I had one of those.

Your mother won’t like me saying this but I hope you’re not like me; was I wrong to think I should have sent only you and your mother; this will be a new start for all of us. About your new world it scares me to think that those who live there look exactly like us but you will be the first “human” in our family. I wonder how they treat those that are different, it can’t be any worse than how they treated mommy on her home world and I never truly had a home but I think everything is going to be okay.

Your mother taught me that’s it’s okay to be an alien, to be different, and for once to be happy and we will be happy. Look at all the pretty lights coming up to greet us from the ground below, you’re not an alien after all, you’re home, welcome to Earth.

Copyright © 2011, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.

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