Nearing Home, Life, Faith, and Finishing Well Billy Graham Book Review

Dr. Graham gives practical advice that comes with aging. He addresses the necessity of a will and a living will. He speaks about pre-arrangements for a funeral to relieve the family of that dreaded responsibillity. With each step he shares insights concerning responsibilities we have toward our families and fulfilment of God’s will.

Throughout the book Dr. Graham tells about missing his dear wife, Ruth. He gives some tips on grief. First, accept the feelings of loss and grief. Do not be surprised, deny or feel guilty about your grief. Look to the future because people need us and we have responsibilities to finish. God is not finished with us yet so resist the temptation to withdraw. Reach out to others and share their burdens, and in doing so you will help yourself. Turn to God because He knows what we are going through. He assures us with His presence, His promises,and His goodness. Remember His past blessings with gratitude.

Dr. Graham speaks of our legacy we have to to pass on. Character and integrity is a part of the Christian life that will be noticed by others. Our memory will influence others and will remain with them when we are gone.

This time in our lives is an opportunity to serve others. Many of our own age need assistance in some unique ways. Use this time to serve them. Children and granndchildren look to us for wisdom and guidance. Share with them the the struggles and successes you have had and what you learned from them.

Billy Graham mentions several times in his book he never learned how to grow old but he was taught how to prepare for death. Through the book he gives practical ways to grow old and finally to be prepared for the end.

I believe this book speaks to all generations. It speaks to the young person about respect for the elderly person. The middle aged person learns about preparation for the end and gains insight into what his parents may be experiencing. For the elderly,it reminds them of their God given purpose for the present.


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